Update – COVID-19 vaccination
As of April 12, 2021 vaccination is currently under way at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit for the following population groups:
Individuals turning 60 or older in 2021 (born in 1961 or earlier)
- Individuals aged 55 to 59 in 2021 (born in 1962 to 1966)
- Health care workers
- Police and firefighters responding to medical calls
- Staff member or essential caregiver at a long-term care or retirement home; informal caregiver (e.g. family, spouse or friend who provides care) for an adult 70 years of age or older
- Adult recipient of chronic home care
- Indigenous population living off reserve aged 55 and over
- Indigenous population living on reserve (Akwesasne) aged 18 and over
- Individuals with certain Highest-risk and high-risk health conditions
- Funeral workers who have direct contact with deceased persons
- Faith leaders who are at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19
If you fall in one of these population groups, please consult the Eastern Ontario Health Unit website to book an appointment for your COVID-19 vaccine. If you live in the Ottawa area, please consult Ottawa Public Health’s website to book your COVID-19 vaccine.
*****Please note that the Clarence-Rockland Family Health Team is not currently offering the COVID-19 vaccine at the clinic, so please DO NOT CALL THE CLINIC to book an appointment. Once it becomes available, we will inform you*****