
In this section you will find useful resources on a variety of topics. Please note that links to other websites are suggestions only. We are not responsible for the information provided on these sites.


Smoking Cessation


Healthy lifestyle

Mental Health


Partnership program

Cancer coaching

What is cancer coaching?

The purpose of cancer coaching is to respond to your physical, informational, emotional and spiritual needs to help you and your family meet the challenges of cancer, reach your health and well-being goals, and improve your quality of life. Our cancer coaches are regulated health professionals. They work with you to target what is important to you, and together you develop a plan that is tailored to your needs, values and goals.

Cancer coaching can help you:

  • Develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to better understand your cancer;

  • Improve your general health and well-being;

  • Manage common side effects and reduce stress;

  • Get in touch with people who are going through similar things;

  • Address your needs as caregivers;

  • Feel more in control

How do I participate in cancer coaching?

If you have received a cancer diagnosis or if someone close to you has cancer, you can register for cancer coaching. It is offered without referral from a physician, and everyone is entitled to a maximum of five hours of cancer coaching free of charge, thanks to the generosity of our donors and partners.

How can I become a client? It’s easy!

Start by registering online at:

We will contact you within the next two business days to make an appointment for your first coaching conversation.

For more information on the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, see:

Arthritis Society

Individual appointments with a physiotherapist from the Arthritis Society are available one day per month at the CRFHT. You can ask your doctor for a referral to the Arthritis Society or you can self-refer if you have a confirmed diagnosis of arthritis by calling ​​​​​​ 613-723-1083, ext. 1584 or ​​​​​​ 1-800-321-1433 ext. 1584.